AOI Access Financials – Enable New Add In
- Open a new blank Excel Spreadsheet
- Go to File > Options > Add-ins (Make sure at the bottom the manage drop down is selected to Excel Add-ins) and press Go…
- On the window that appears select Browse and go to C:\AOI and select the Azets Journal v1.04.xlam and press OK (Check the latest version f the add-in)
- An email is sent from Azets (currnelty Roma Frisby) to Marcus, Basia (maybe Mahesh) and SD with latest version of add-on Azets Journal vxxx.xlam.
The add-on is saved on all users Laptop in C:\AOI\ filder (Finance and App team for now). To copy add-on on other users PC's open PowerShell or command promt.
- Paste: copy-item -path \\support\apps\Access Financials\AOI\Azets Journal vxxx.xlam -destanation \\br-xxxx\c$\AOI
- The latest version of add-on and list of user PC names that requires the add-on is saved \\support\apps\Access Financials\AOI
- Once the update is pushed out users are informed via email and the instructions on how to add the add in into Excel are sent.
2. Once the Browse window closes, ensure that Azets Journals v1.04 is enable and Azets Journal v1.01 or any older version is no longer enabled and press OK
copy-item -path \\support\apps\Access Financials\AOI\Azets Journal vxxx.xlam -destanation \\br-xxxx\c$\AOI