1. Overview 

2. Logging in to AccessPay 

3. Adding & Amending Users 

4. Segregating Roles & Permissions 

5. Adding User Submission Permissions 

6. Adding Organisational Units 

7. Adding or Modifying Bank Accounts 

8. Adding Approval Groups & Rules   

9. Adding or Modifying a SUN      

10. Additional Features  

11. Submission Configuration  

12.Setup Client process


1. Overview


Please use this guide to familiarise yourself with the Administrator functionality within the AccessPay system.  This guide covers the steps to take when updating various aspects of user access and permissions and other information connected to your payment submissions.


If you require any assistance with this, please contact our support team on the details below;




0161 250 7778




2. Logging in to AccessPay


  • The AccessPay credentials will be:


Username: firstname.lastname


Passwords must be at least 9 characters in length and must contain all of the following character types: 


  • lower case letters (i.e. a-z)
  • upper case letters (i.e. A-Z)
  • numbers (i.e. 0-9)
  • special characters (e.g. -=[]\;,./~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:<>?)


  • Clicking the ‘Forgotten password’ will send a link to the email address which is linked to the specific username.  






When you have logged in, click on Administration at the top of the page.  



The Submission and Reports tabs are covered in our Submission User Guide document.  



3. Adding & Amending Users


  • Click on Users.
  • Click Add button which is displayed on the top right in red.
  • Enter username (firstname.lastname).
  • Enter Title (title within organisation).
  • Enter first name in “Given Name” field.
  • Enter surname in “Family Name” field.
  • Enter First name in “Preferred Name” field.
  • Enter email address in “Email” field.
  • If extra security feature is required i.e. Two Factor Authentication – 2FA, (this consists of a code being sent to your mobile phone via SMS when you log into AccessPay) add mobile phone number to “Mobile Phone” field.
  • Select from drop down the role you will be performing (admin usually has all rights, standard user has limited rights. These can be viewed in the “Roles and Permissions” tab).
  • Select Approval Group if necessary.
  • Click ‘Create New User’.









  • The user will then receive a registration email that will allow them to configure a password and log-in to the system. This link is time limited and will expire at the end of the day it is sent, however, this can be resent by an admin user if required.  
  • To disable a user access, edit the user using the pencil next to the username, check the inactive user box and then click save changes.

  • The user access will immediately be disabled.  The username will still appear on the 'All' list as 'Inactive', however, will also appear on the Inactive list.  For details of all current users, please click on the 'Active' tab in the middle below.  






4. Segregating Roles & Permissions


Admin users will have full access to the system including the following; 


  • Administer user profiles, this will include adding new users, amending existing user permissions and making existing users inactive.
  • Access to administer other areas of the platform if required including bank accounts, SUN's and approval groups and rules.  


Standard Users will have access to the system without the Admin functionality.   


To add a new organisational role, take the following steps;


  • Click on “Roles & Permissions”. 
  • Click “add” which is displayed on top right. 
  • This will display a dropdown menu in scope.  
  • Select Organisation and type in name for the organisational role. 
  • Click create new role. 
  • Once role is created it will be displayed in the list within Roles & Permissions. 



  • You will need to edit the role to add permissions by clicking the edit button as shown below.


  • Select which permissions you would require for each organisational role. (Admin usually requires all permissions, standard user usually has restricted permissions i.e.

manual upload, BACS reporting and submission).

  • Click Save Changes.


The submission roles include the following permissions and individual roles can be created to meet your exact requirements.  To add a new submission role, take the following steps;


  • Click on “Roles & Permissions”.
  • Click “add” which is displayed on top right.
  • This will display a dropdown menu in scope.  
  • Select Submision and type in name for the submission role.
  • Click create new role.
  • Once role is created it will be displayed in the list within Roles & Permissions.




  • You will need to edit the role to add permissions by clicking the edit button next to the role.
  • Click “save changes” once you are happy with what permissions you have set for the role.
  • If you have different users with different permission repeat the above process and differentiate between what permissions each role requires.


Each role can include any combination of the following permissions.


View Submission - view the file at submission level.

Upload - manually upload files into the system.

Cancel - ability to cancel files prior to submission.

Route - this can be configured to read the date from the file where this is available.  

Alternatively, this will default to the next available processing date or allow the user to select the payment date from a calendar option. (As part of the BACS service you can submit your payment instructions up to 30 days in advance).

Validate - manage errors and warnings, supress transactions if necessary.

Approve - file approval, only if the approval group and rule(s) has been configured.

Deliver - deliver files using Smart Cards and or HSM to BACS/FPS. View Transactions - view individual transactions within a file.



5. Adding User Submission Permissions


  • Click on Users.
  • Click on the padlock next to the user’s name.
  • BACS card users should have "Approver and Submitter" role, other users should have "Validator and Approver"
  • ALL users should have APPROVER under Approval Group




  • In the user roles pages click on the plus sign next to submissions



  • Select role, organisational unit and submission purpose and then click assign role. This needs to be completed for each organisation unit and submission purpose for every user. 



  • To revoke a user permission, click on the trash symbol. 




6. Adding Organisational Units


  • Click on the “Organisational Units” tab.
  • Click on “add” in the right corner.
  • Enter organisational unit name.




  • Click create new organisational unit.
  • Please note for Bureau clients this will be adding Service Users.  Follow the process above to add a new Service User.  
















7. Adding or Modifying Bank Accounts


  • Click “bank accounts” tab.
  • Click “add” in the right corner.
  • Enter the Account name. This is the exact name on your bank statements. Also, this needs to be in Capital Letters.
  • Select 'Default' from the bank drop down menu.
  • If required enter IBAN.
  • Enter your 8-digit account number in “local account number field”.
  • It is not necessary to input any information on local bank code.
  • Enter your six-digit sort code in the “local branch code”.
  • It is not necessary to input any information in the SWIFT alias unless you are using SWIFT.
  • Select your currency from the currency drop down menu. (this will be ‘Pounds Sterling (GBP)’ for UK BACS/FPS payments).  





  • Once all information is added click create new bank account.
  • Repeat process for additional bank accounts.
  • To modify a bank account click edit which is located to the right of each bank account, then click save changes.  




8. Adding Approval Groups & Rules


The system can be configured to ensure that payments need to be approved before being released.   


  • Click on approval groups.
  • Click on “add” in the right corner.
  • Type in an approval group name i.e. APPROVER, GROUP1, FINANCE etc.
  • Click “create new approval group”.
  • Once you have created an approval group you will need to create an approval rule.
  • Click on Approval rules.
  • Click “add” in the right corner.
  • Select the organisational unit and submission purpose.
  • If this applies to all organisational units and purposes keep the drop-down selection on all organisational units and all submission purposes.
  • Select the currency. (this will default to 'Pounds Sterling (GBP)'.  
  • Set a minimum and maximum amount for the approval group (this is defaulted to 0 and 10,000,000,000.00).
  • Click the plus button next to 1st approval and then click the plus button next to 2nd approval.
  • You are able to set 2 different approvers by selecting another approval group in the 2nd approval drop down menu.
  • The reason to add both 1st approval and 2nd approval is so that if a specific user is part of an approval group, they will need another approver to approve the file before it can be submitted. This prevents them from being able to approve their own upload.




  • Add the relevant users to the approval group and click save.
















9. Adding or Modifying a SUN


Adding a Service User Number (SUN) to the system, including additional option for specifying available gateways and transactions for any added SUN.


Add New SUN 


  1. Click the Administration tab
  2. Click the 'BACS & FPS' button
  3. Click the red 'add' button and click 'Add SUN' from pop up
  4. Enter Name & SUN  
  5. Tick the appropriate gateways & associated transaction codes for the SUN being added
  6. Enter BACS related credit & debit limits
  7. To finish, click 'Create New SUN'




Edit SUN 


  1. Click the Administration tab
  2. Click the 'BACS & FPS' button
  3. Click the edit Icon (pencil) to the right of the SUN being changed
  4. Made changes required
  5. Click 'Save Changes'





10. Additional Features

The features mentioned in this section will require Input from our Support team to enable and/or setup for you. Some come with an additional costs and therefore if any of the below are of interest we encourage you to contact your Account Manager or Customer Success Manager to discuss the benefit and any commercials attached.


A) Two Factor Authentication


Our Two-Factor Authentication service provides an extra layer of security. This feature works by sending a One-Time Passcode to the users registered mobile number.  


It is entered directly after your username & password and can be set to be triggered on every login, or in 24hr increments.


This requires every user registered in your AccessPay system to have a mobile number for the passwords to be generated to.  


B) Multi Factor Authentication


This feature provides a more sophisticated level of security than Two Factor Authentication. Our integrated Duo provider means that you have more control over the additional security required to login. We can facilitate push notifications, a text code, a call to a landline number or YubiKeys.  

We also offer DuoPlus an enhanced service with reporting and your own administration module.


C) Dual Admin Approval


Another feature with security in mind. This feature means that no change in AccessPay without a second user to approve it.  

Please be aware this feature requires a certain amount of dedicated Admin users before we can switch it on.


D) AccessPay Detect

This AccessPay module is a rules-based security feature which allows you to configure a flag-based rule structure within our system to suit your business requirements. Two examples are: Transaction limits and Duplicated account details.  



11. Submission Configuration  

For each new client setup we have to create a new Submission configuration. .


Under each Submission Configuration  you have 3 options

  • N/A ( will consider the submission as Live) 
  • Full Test ( will consider the submission as a test and will be ignored by bank) 
  • Structural Test (used for testing Banks – does not apply to us) 

If someone wants to  a submitted test we need only to switch below from ”N/A” to “Full Test”. Payroll users have option to select “Full Test” option from their end at the time when they submit a file. 

12. Setup Client 

Select Administration

Service Users

  1. Select Service users from the left menu 
  2. Click Add New from the top right corner 

  1. Copy Client name in Organisational Unit Name (in CAPS) 
  2. Click on Create new organisational unit 


Bank accounts

  1. Select Bank Accounts from left menu
  2. Click Add new from the top right corner
  3. Copy Client name in Account Name (in CAPS) 
  4. In Bank select “Default
  5. Copy account number (8 numbers) in Local Account Number
  6. Copy Sort code in Local Branch Code
  7. Click create New Bank account



  1. Select BACS& FPS from left menu
  2. Click ADD and select ADD SUN
  3. Copy Client name in Name
  4. Copy SUN number in SUN 
  5. Select Bureau Number BUN based on the information from SD (GQS, CS, AS) 
  6. Select Service User as the name of the client recently setup 
  7. Click on Create new SUN


Submissions Configuration

  1. Select Submission Configuration form the left side menu
  2. Select an existing configuration for the same office and click on the PENCIL 
  3. Change the Name to your new client 
  4. Chose the Organisation Unit with your new client name 
  5. Change the Service User Number to your new client name
  6. Create new Submission Configuration 

Once client is setup you have to add it to the all users. 

You can do it by :